Selva Marine
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Respecting nature and the environment is our priority

Quality and environmental
management policy

The Management of Selva S.p.A. has developed within the company an Integrated Quality-Environmental Management System (SQA) according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 and UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 with the twofold objective to define:

  • Quality requirements that fully reflect the expressed and implicit needs of the Customer, increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of activities and processes;
  • the requirements of the environmental management system. The main aim is therefore to be leaders in terms of Quality and customer service and, at the same time, to pay the utmost attention to the many environmental aspects related to our activity, which are consequently reflected on the staff and the surrounding area.

The objectives expressed by the General Management in line with the above are:

  • to cooperate constantly with the Customer for a complete definition of the contractual requirements;
  • to operate, in compliance with the rules, laws and regulations in force, so that Customer satisfaction is guaranteed;
  • comply with the quality standards established in advance and, at the same time, improve them in accordance with the Client's requirements in terms of cost, punctuality of execution, availability and reliability;
  • develop business processes and implement the introduction of new techniques or solutions aimed at the continuous improvement of service performance;
  • to elevate the culture of Quality and Environment in the people who work in the company and on its behalf, facing them with always renewed commitment both from a strategic and operational point of view;
  • guarantee, through the execution of the services, the necessary profit margins;
  • to guarantee continuous training of the staff both in view of constant professional development but also preventive to any kind of risk;
  • to constantly monitor and improve environmental performance for sustainable industrial development while respecting the needs and expectations of the parties involved.

In order to ensure the implementation of this Integrated Policy, SELVA S.p.A. undertakes therefore to

  • monitor the activities that affect the quality of service in every aspect;
  • promote, coordinate, implement and verify at predetermined intervals the improvement of the EQS over time in order to always have total control of the processes in the company from design to implementation of the final product in terms of quality and safety of the activities carried out;
  • periodically verify through internal audits the adequacy of our EQS;
  • guarantee maximum customer satisfaction at every level;
  • collect and analyze data that allow us to define and implement appropriate improvement actions aimed at eliminating the causes of potential non-compliance;
  • properly manage internal and external nonconformities detected;
  • continuously reduce costs and production waste, always increasing its competitiveness;
  • keep the production machinery fleet efficient in order to constantly adapt it to market needs;
  • nourish staff motivation through the implementation of professional growth and continuous training programs aimed at all levels of the company, and to raise awareness of Quality and Environmental aspects;
  • develop a constant selection and evaluation of suppliers, raising their awareness and creating partnerships to promote greater competitiveness in the supply of products;
  • to keep the records of the controls carried out within the production sites available and updated;
  • develop the periodic Management Review on the achievement of the set objectives;
  • make available and update internal and external communications of a qualitative and environmental nature (including this Policy) so that all personnel and interested parties involved are aware of Selva S.p.A. commitments regarding its approach to Quality and the Environment;
  • optimize the overall efficiency of the company through an accurate and continuous management of resources;
  • prevent accidents at work by highlighting the risks and countermeasures to be implemented with the involvement of all personnel;
  • constantly comply with applicable environmental legislation and regulations and verify corporate compliance;
  • prevent any type of pollution and environmental damage in order to protect and safeguard the environment;
  • Verify the adequacy and effectiveness of this Policy at least once a year.

Company sustainability policy

Selva wants to be a company that moves more and more towards a responsible business concept, whose aim is to ensure sustainable development with a strong focus on the environment and the health of the planet, but also on the social and economic well-being of people.

In order to maintain a high level of sustainability, the company implements a number of environmental and social measures and in particular performs:

  • annual analysis of atmospheric emissions
  • two-yearly analysis of air quality inside the plant
  • annual analysis of industrial waste water discharges
  • periodic management and analysis of hazardous and non-hazardous industrial waste
  • periodic internal/external phonometric survey
  • annual verification of the tightness of underground tanks
  • controlled management of air conditioners with periodic FGAS analysis
  • annual monitoring of water consumption
  • annual monitoring of energy consumption with calculations of TEP and CO2 emitted
  • thermographic analysis of energy-efficient installations

In addition to the above mentioned the Company:

  • uses low-VOC paint products and performs seasonal mass balancing
  • closely follows the requirements of the REACH regulation
  • maintains a photovoltaic plant for the production of electrical energy
  • is sensitive to the social impact of its activities, orienting towards a development model that acts positively on the community and respecting certain fundamental aspects for sustainable growth such as safety at work, workers' rights and their equality
  • invests as far as possible in innovation and technology
  • contributes to the sustainable growth and welfare of the local economy.

Certificate ISO 9001 : 2015


Certificate ISO 14001 : 2015


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